puta meaning

puta translation English | Portuguese dictionary | Reverso
Overview. As in most languages swear words tend to come from semantic domains considered taboo such as the domains of human excretions, sexuality, and …
Urban Dictionary: puta madre
puta translation english, Spanish - English dictionary, meaning, see also puta callejera,casa de putas,chulo putas,hijo/a de puta, example of use, definition
puta translation English | Spanish dictionary | Reverso
Translation of puta at Merriam-Websters Spanish-English Dictionary. Audio pronunciations, verb conjugations, quizzes and more.
Spanish profanity - Wikipedia puta meaning
Definition of puta in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of puta. What does puta mean? Information and translations of puta in the most comprehensive dictionary
French Curseword of the Day: Putain! | goutaste
puta translation english, Portuguese - English dictionary, meaning, see also pua,putativo,Plutão,puto, example of use, definition, conjugation, Reverso dictionary
Puta | Define Puta at Dictionary.com
The word puta means ‘prostitute’ or ‘whore’ in Spanish, but it has stronger connotations than the equivalent in English does. It also combines to form some
What does puta mean? - definitions.net
Puta definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!
Punta - Spanish to English Translation | Spanish Central
Spanish slang. "Puta" means roughly "fuck" or "bitch," and "madre" means "mother." The two words toghether become a common expletive meaning "holy shit" or "mother
What does “puta” mean in Spanish? - English-Ingles.com
Pura Vida. The term has been present in Costa Rican dialect for some 50+ years. Pura Vida has a simple English translation but a far more profound meaning to the
Puta - Spanish to English Translation | Spanish Central
Translate Puta. See 2 authoritative translations of Puta in English with phrases, video and audio pronunciations.
What does tu madre es puta mean in English? - Quora
French Curseword of the Day: Putain! finds its way into casual conversation despite its negative literal meaning. (puta) has the same meaning and almost the
Puta | Spanish to English Translation - SpanishDict
What does “puta” mean in Spanish? And also, it can mean something that is going really well, such as in the Spanish phrase, de puta madre—meaning “great”.
"What does Pura Vida mean? Costa Rican way of life" puta meaning
Definition of puta - (in Spanish-speaking regions) a prostitute.